WordPress database error: [Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY']
INSERT INTO `tmc_yoast_primary_term` (`term_id`, `post_id`, `taxonomy`, `blog_id`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('930', '202976', 'category', '1', '2024-06-29 12:32:43', '2024-06-29 12:32:43')

Butt Weld vs Expansion Tri Clover Ferrules | Technical Tuesday




Butt Weld vs Expansion Tri Clover Ferrules

The standard Tri Clover ferrule is designed to be butt welded to outside diameter stainless tubes. We have these in short, medium and long options. A butt weld ferrule can be identified by the smooth internal finish. We stock these in sizes ½” to 12”.


The expansion ferrule can be identified by the ridges on the inside of the ferrule. They are designed to slip over the tube rather than butt welding. They are typically used where purge welding is not required, or when space in the pipeline is limited. 


Expansion ferrules were originally designed to be attached to the tube using a swaging or expansion machine that would eliminate the need for welding. This method is typically not used in New Zealand but the expansion ferrule is now utilised as a slip on weld ferrule.  


We stock expansion ferrules from 1” through to 4” in short and long options

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Butt Weld vs Expansion Tri Clover Ferrules

The standard Tri Clover ferrule is designed to be butt welded to outside diameter stainless tubes. We have these in short, medium and long options. A butt weld ferrule can be identified by the smooth internal finish. We stock these in sizes ½” to 12”.


The expansion ferrule can be identified by the ridges on the inside of the ferrule. They are designed to slip over the tube rather than butt welding. They are typically used where purge welding is not required, or when space in the pipeline is limited. 


Expansion ferrules were originally designed to be attached to the tube using a swaging or expansion machine that would eliminate the need for welding. This method is typically not used in New Zealand but the expansion ferrule is now utilised as a slip on weld ferrule.  


We stock expansion ferrules from 1” through to 4” in short and long options.

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