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How To Use The RapidPress Depth Gauge | RapidPress Rundown




How To Use The RapidPress Depth Gauge

The RapidPress depth gauge is an essential tool for quick and easy pipe work installation.

It ensures the correct insertion depth of the tube into the coupling, creating a leak-free connection. The gauge comes with different measurements, allowing you to measure from 15mm up to 168.3mm.

For sizes 15-108mm, you slide the gauge over the tube’s wall and mark it once inserted to the bottom of the slot. For sizes 139mm and 168.3mm, you use the outside of the gauge for marking.

Adhering to the insertion depths specified in the technical guide it is crucial for achieving sufficient mechanical strength in the press-fit connection. The marked insertion depth on the tube must be visible next to the coupling end after pressing, and the fitting should not exceed 10% of the required insertion depth from the press-fit formed end.

The depth gauge is lightweight and small, making it convenient to carry in your pocket at all times.

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How To Use The RapidPress Depth Gauge

The RapidPress depth gauge is an essential tool for quick and easy pipe work installation.

It ensures the correct insertion depth of the tube into the coupling, creating a leak-free connection. The gauge comes with different measurements, allowing you to measure from 15mm up to 168.3mm.

For sizes 15-108mm, you slide the gauge over the tube’s wall and mark it once inserted to the bottom of the slot. For sizes 139mm and 168.3mm, you use the outside of the gauge for marking.

Adhering to the insertion depths specified in the technical guide it is crucial for achieving sufficient mechanical strength in the press-fit connection. The marked insertion depth on the tube must be visible next to the coupling end after pressing, and the fitting should not exceed 10% of the required insertion depth from the press-fit formed end.

The depth gauge is lightweight and small, making it convenient to carry in your pocket at all times.

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